影视工厂:美丽的星期天剧情, A hit man in black struggles into an apartment complex. It turns out that the apartments are hosts to a cornucopia of characters. A couple are about to separate or play baseball. A woman maintains a schedule of screaming in order for the neighbours to ascertain that she is alive. A mother just wants to have fun. A daughter just wants to obtain high marks and then someone walks on the roof looking for a UFO to act as a taxi.
主演:池松壮亮,小田切让,松隆子,黑木华,滨边美波,千原靖史,村上虹郎,宽一郎,河本准一,高良健吾,滨田麻里,宍户佑名,河合优实,佐藤玲,风吹淳,麻生久美子,本田翼,冈山天音,永濑正敏,玉城蒂娜,永山瑛太,川岛铃遥,佐藤绯美,浅川梨奈,染谷将太,仲野太贺,佐久间由衣,坂井真纪,葛山信吾,火野正平 Shôhei Hino,竹内都子,村上淳,岛田久作,甲本雅裕,铃木庆一,国村隼,細野晴臣,香椎由宇,涩川清彦,我修院达也,宇野祥平,松田龙平,松田翔太,松重丰,柄本明,桥爪功,佐藤浩市